Workshops - weekend

Workshops - weekend

The aim of our open workshops is to: To make neuroactive knocking acupressure accessible to a wide audience and to impart basic knowledge of this versatile but simple method.

No prior knowledge is required for these workshops!

Some workshops are still in progress. As soon as you are finished, the corresponding link will be released.

YES, I would like to be informed about the new workshop dates.
The following topics are currently regularly offered:

Dissolve old thinking patterns and get out of the hamster wheel

Target groups:
  • Everyone who experiences negative stress every day and wants to get out of the hamster wheel and any form of (compulsive) overperformance.
  • Parents who do not want to raise their children in the old sense of achievement of "higher-faster-further".

Upcoming events: look here

All workshops last 3.5 hours (including a break).
A stress-free time with potential for change - with a lot of joy & ease!

Are you there too?

We look forward to you!

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