3.5 h Workshops

3.5 h workshops
Make space for more mental and emotional freedom...

The aim of our open workshops is: To make neuroactive knocking acupressure accessible to a wide audience and to impart basic knowledge of this versatile but simple method.

No prior knowledge is required for these workshops!

YES, I would like to be informed about upcoming workshops.
The following topics are currently regularly offered:

Dissolve old thought patterns and recognize your true self

Target groups:
  • Everyone who experiences negative stress every day and wants to get out of the hamster wheel and any form of (compulsive) overperformance.
  • Parents who do not want to raise their children in the old sense of achievement of "higher-faster-farther".

Upcoming events: look here

All workshops last 3.5 hours (including a break).
A stress-free time with a high potential for change and... a lot of joy & ease!

Are you joining in?

We are looking forward to meeting you!

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